
Work caught on

Well it looks like my feeble attempt at being a blogger has been squashed. My work blocked blogger on our network. So, now I'm limited to when I feel like writing at home, which, sorry to say, is not as frequent.

Life has been crazy lately. There have been way too many curve balls which is well noted by a gigantic canker sore on my lip (my body's way of handling stress, great right?). First off, I have an opportunity at my dream job. Well it used to be my dream job, now I'm beginning to doubt it. But I don't know how much is whether or not I really want this different job or if I just really have doubts about leaving the job I'm in. I actually enjoy it and the pay is pretty good for what I consider fairly easy work. Obviously something to dwell on a bit more.

Wedding plans are trucking along. My first bridal shower date was set this morning. It still seems so surreal. I just want to fast forward to the wedding day.