
Today is the Day

Well folks, today is the day! The 20 week ultrasound is finally here! By 2:30 this afternoon we should know whether we are having a son or a daughter, our Declan or our Anika. I am so excited!


"Um, honey? I think something is coming between us."

That's right folks. The Mr. commented for the first time tonight that he is now definitely noticing the belly when we hug. I guess it's official, I have a bump :)


Update...with overdue pictures

19 weeks tomorrow. I have to say this pregnancy has flown by so far. I can't believe I only have 11 more days to wait before I find out if we're having a son or a daughter, only 8 more days until we're half way done! So crazy and so very exciting. I am still overall feeling great. This last week has actually been the roughest of the whole pregnancy and that is only because I feel as though I could sleep around the clock. I also scared the husband with the first hormonal crying fest. What made me cry? Trying to explain that I was just that tired. Poor guy handled it like a trooper. Only other complaints are just aches and pains of my body expanding. Early last week I was greeted with an incredibly sore tailbone are that I can only think to credit to changes in my pelvis. This morning I woke to all sorts of aches and pains but I think those are due solely to staining the deck yesterday.

Okay, now for the pictures. Please forgive the unkept state of my bedroom in the first couple and my extra stylish pajamas, I made a pact with myself that pictures from now on will be taken in actual clothes so I don't look like such bum. Oh and all of these are approximate dates, I'm horrible at remembering to take these pictures.

Week 14

Week 16

Week 18 (taken Saturday in the middle of the day so there is actually decent lighting, yay for small achievements!)

Last but not least, a belated 16 week appointment update. Everything was still looking great and the babe's heartbeat was a steady 144 bpm.