
Holy Yardwork Batman!

The Mr. and I finally took down our Christmas lights yesterday. I know, it's about time seeing as Christmas was three months ago but in our defense it is Minnesota and no outside activity, besides shoveling, is required until the snow melts. However, taking those suckers down was definitely much quicker than I expected and in future years I don't think we'll be waiting until March.

While outside tackling that project we walked a lap around the house making note of what we want to do with our yard. We've been in our house for over 3 years now and the outside is just pathetic. Sure, the Mr. built his gigantic shed and we put in a sprinkler system and are still trying to grow grass but when it comes to landscaping we have done diddly. Then, it occured to me that we're throwing a surprise 50th birthday party for my mom. At our house. In June! Holy crap we need to get moving. We're talking about all of my aunts and uncles (which in a central Minnesota German farming family equals over 50 people) and family friends. That is a lot of people that are going to be seeing our house for the first time so we need to get cracking on making it presentable. So, our list so far includes:

- get grass growing better (aka overseed and fertilize)
- build the deck
- build a porch
- blockwork in front of porch with potted plants
- blockwork along side of shed
- fix up retaining walls

In other words, this is going to be a busy (and expensive) spring! Oh, and did I fail to mention the Mr. is probably going to be working out of town so all this needs to be accomplished on the weekends?

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