
Finding Motivation

I have been feeling so darned lazy lately! There are things I want to accomplish, know exactly what I need to do to finish the projects I have on my mental list, but when I have the time to do it, I just want to kick back with my Kindle and do nothing. It stinks! I should be so much farther on sewing the bags than I am right now. Tonight, the Mr. and I picked up a new headboard that we found on Craigslist. It is kind of disappointing so far because it's not what I expected, but I'm still hopeful that some black spray paint will help transform it. I'm so excited to make our bedroom more 'grown up' feeling and I think the headboard will be a great first step.

One of my coworker friends announced today that she is pregnant, again. She has a 13 month old and is now due in September. I am so very happy for her and so, so jealous all at the same time. I have a deep seated fear that I won't be able to get pregnant right away. Logically, I know that it very well could take a few months, but I really don't know if I could handle it! Guess we'll see what happens in the next few weeks.

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