
Remember when....

....I made that list of things we need to get done in our yard before we host a family event at our place in June? Well, it is going to be even more difficult to accomplish now since the Mr. has been shipped off to Grand Forks, ND to work. Boo! That means we have some crazy busy weekends in store which is further complicated by the fact that we're both in a friend's wedding on May 7th which means our weekends for the next month are packed with wedding festivities. I know I'm probably the only Minnesotan who feels this way, but I already miss winter a bit because life is so much slower paced.

Looking to the positives, our San Francisco trip is next week already! I already have a night trip to Alcatraz booked and a tentative list of other must do activities. I'm so excited to have another vacation with my love already. However, I have a feeling there will be no more vacations for a while after this so I better enjoy every second!

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